Niederländische e-cards

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Re: Niederländische e-cards

von Jochgem » 9. Januar 2009 23:46

Dear Marco,

It seems you have to choose a portal you want to write to. I understand this site consists of separate parts that are each administered by a different person. I could not find what portal corresponds to the e-cards business of the site, it is not mentioned in the list.

Perhaps you can mail the general 'info' part of the site, which I found has the link:
They state not to propose links that way, as this will cost you 10 euro.


Niederländische e-cards

von Comedix » 9. Januar 2009 11:48


ich möchte dem niederländischen Webmaster der Seite "[url=]e-cards[/url]" eine Mail schreiben. Allerdings verstehe ich den holländischen Text auf dessen Kontaktformular nicht. Was soll ich dort auswählen?

Gruß, Marco

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