Obelix meet's Superman!

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Obelix meet's Superman!

Beitrag: # 5815Beitrag Maik »


Yesterday I finish reading "Superman : The Prisoner of Time" a Superman's Asterix parody.  :D
This story is pretty fun, even If your not a Superman fan. There are plenty of Asterix references in it.  
I wonder was "The Falling Sky" partly a reaction to this story (In bouth we have Obelix "Smack" Superman  ;))

The Story summary [Spoiler Warning  ;)] :

Jimmyh Olsen [Superman's Pal] is at the museum were the "Arverne Shield" is one of the exibits. Then some criminals apperd in order to stell the shield. Superman show's up, defet the bad guys but during the faith the shield get's destroyd....
Now the story go back in time and space to the year 253 A.D. "Emperor Gallien Has made Gaul the New Center of Roman Empire, Now known by all as the Gallic Empire...All ? Well, Not Entirely. One Small Village (...) Still Holds out Isolated by Roman Garrisons, where time is at a standstill..." [note : In the story romans camps names are : Compendivm, Lavdanvm, Totorvm and Aqvarivm] In the forest an evil Soothsayer from Lutetia named Prolifix is serching for the village ploting to stell the Magic Potion of the druid. He meet the Romans ,who were sow bese isolating the gouls, they have no idea Roman impire dont exist [yhe, It dosent make much sense but it's funny] Prolifix talk with Centurion and ask him to help him capture the druid.
Centurion agre and sent a patrol to the forest. The Patrol meet the Druid [who is serching for four leaf clover] but unfortiuneble Druid is garded by Columnix [Parody of Obelix, for some point his face is never shown in the story] who fell to the Potion when he was a baby and his not only super strong but have a "Magical life as well" and a dog nemed Prefix [parody of Idefix/Dogmatix]. Columnix bet-up the Romans [As he point out : "These Romans are Mad"] and the Patrol go back to the camp.
Prolfix get's idea to faith super-strength with super-strength and bild a time machine wich bring back Superman [who has "Stength of titans"] The Machine brings Jimmy as well, since they bouth were honlind pices of the brouken shield wich was "the object thet has survived the sand of time". Superman lands in the forest and Jimmy in the ocean. Prolfix find Superman and drug him with some wierd potion [named "Vapors of Epona"] wich make Superman Prolfix slave. Prolfix named him Superix.
In the same time Jimmy Olsen is found by two gouls fisherman's Buwnkelmus and Rockix [who is slithly similar to Unhigenix and even "slap's" Jimmy in his face with a fish  ;)] The Gouls bring Jimmy to the Druid Picturix. Jimmy ned to find Superman since he is the only one who can bring fim back to the future. Jimmy olsow meet Chief Flipmybix and notice his shield is exact as the one theat was destroyd [and Asterix fans can notice Cacofonix in the background] Olsen tells Druid thet acording to history Rome has fallen and this is a time of Gallic Empire. Nex Day Druid, Columnix, Prefix and Jimmy, who got a uniform theat belong once to the greatest of all warriors [wich looks just like Asterix dress  ;) ] go on a quest to the Roman Camp.  A funny dialog on the way :
Columnix - Do you eat boars where you come from Jimmy?
Jimmy - Er, No. Our Doctors say too much red meat is bad for the heart.
Columnix - Those Doctors Are Crazy!
On the way they meet an army of Romans. Columnix attack theam [the whole sequence is very similar to the one in "Asterix the Legionary" where near the end Obelix attack a roman army by him self] Jimmy drink some magic potion he got from the Druid and go help him. Unfortunebly Superman...err.. Superix is there and start faithing Columnix. Superix win's the faith and inprison him, as well  Jimmy and the Druid.
Prolifix order theam to make the potion. While Picturix and Jimy were in the tenth making the potion they got a plan [this whole part is similar as in "Asterix the Goul"] They told Prolifix and Romans the finish the potion but Prolifix is afreid it meybe poisson. He order Superix to drinkink first to make shure it's not a trick. It was relly a potion theat break Prolifix spell and Superman got back to normal.  Chief Flipmybix apperd in the camp with some back-up [you can notice Fullyotomatix in the background]. While the gouls were fathing the Romans army, Superman capture Prolifix and make him explain to evry body Rome fall Century a go and there is no reasone for them to faith.
Gouls and Romans become friends and during the banquet Chief give Jimmy his shield. Before Superman and Jimmy get back to their time there is an interesting dialog in the End :
Jimmy - What a great bunch of guys! I feel like writing their story!
Superman - It's alredy been Done!  ;)
And insted of "The End" we get a "Fin" in the last panel  ;)
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8169
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Re: Obelix meet's Superman!

Beitrag: # 5816Beitrag Erik »

Hello Maik,
Maik hat geschrieben:Yesterday I finish reading "Superman : The Prisoner of Time" a Superman's Asterix parody.
this is really funny, as I yesterday was able to take my first look into this story. I had been searching for it on eBay for quite a while and  this week I finally got it.

I'm not sure to understand the whole plot exactly because my english is not that good and I'm no Superman-fan as well, but why could Prolifix' potion has any effect on Superman? As far as I know, the only substance which can hurt him is kryptonite...

Well, this is a nice Asterix parody anyway. - Even if Superman is described to be stronger than Obelix/Columnix. It is impressing that this Asterix/Superman crossover exists since the middle of 1980s, while Uderzo now - about 20 years later - wrote the story of Asterix and the falling sky, which is a similar crossover - just from the opposite point of view.

I wonder whether Uderzo has read this parody before creating the "superclones" in his last album...

"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)

Re: Obelix meet's Superman!

Beitrag: # 5817Beitrag Maik »

Erik hat geschrieben:  why could Prolifix' potion has any effect on Superman? As far as I know, the only substance which can hurt him is kryptonite...
Prolifix potion didn't hurt Superman but only take control over his maind. Magic [and potion, elixirs ect.] efect's Superman as enny normal human.  

In this version Superman is stronger then Columnix while in "Falling Sky" Obelix is stronger then Superclone... [Maby it was some sort of Uderzo's revange  ;D]
It's actualy interesting what was Uderzo opinion/reaction on "Prisoner of Time"...
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8169
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Re: Obelix meet's Superman!

Beitrag: # 5818Beitrag Erik »

Maik hat geschrieben:while in "Falling Sky" Obelix is stronger then Superclone.
not really. In Falling Sky first Obelix hits the Superclone (p. 11, panel 1) and later the Superclone hits Obelix (p. 12, panel 7). So, we have a drawn strengh contest between Obelix and the Superclone... perhaps with a slight advantage for Obelix, who looks a bit less worn after Superclone's attack, than the Superclone looked after Obelix' slap.

"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)